(Deon Black / Pexels)
Everyone, at least those who are almost about it, masturbates. Whether you get your kicks with real-time Discord sex cam services or conventional porn, self-pleasure is something we all indulge in.
But even today, it can still be a taboo topic. Not that this is particularly surprising, since masturbation is a fundamentally private activity, which so many consider to be an unnatural or “dirty” act.
Consequently, people may feel uncomfortable talking about it or even mentioning it at all – leading to a stigma. Additionally, some religious and moral beliefs contribute to the issue.
For example, some people are born and raised to believe that masturbation is immoral or wrong. This stigma can be powerful and can lead to feelings of guilt or shame, even when it comes to a perfectly natural and healthy activity.
Unfortunately, this taboo is often further reinforced by myths and misinformation about masturbation, which can lead people to think what they’re doing is wrong.
It’s actually quite remarkable how long some of these myths regarding masturbation have been around, despite having been busted wide open many decades ago.
Hence, if you’re still buying into any of the following on an even rudimentary level, it’s time for an important rethink:
Myth 1: Masturbation Leads to Blindness
This myth has been around for centuries and was even believed by the ancient Greeks and Romans. It’s completely false.
In reality, there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that masturbation leads to blindness or any other physical ailment.
In fact, research has actually shown that masturbation may have some positive physical benefits, such as reducing stress, improving sleep quality and relieving muscle tension.
Myth 2: Masturbation Has no Health Benefits
Masturbation can actually have a number of health benefits. It can help to reduce stress, improve self-esteem and even boost your immune system.
In fact, masturbation brings the same rich and diverse range of physical and psychological health benefits as conventional sex. It makes you feel good while doing wonders for your body and brain, so you’re technically doing yourself a disservice by not indulging.
Myth 3: Masturbation is a Mortal Sin
The belief that masturbation is a sin is rooted in the teachings of some religious traditions. However, there is no absolute truth to this myth. Different religious and cultural traditions have different beliefs regarding masturbation, and each individual has their own beliefs.
But if you actually seek to trace the prohibition of masturbation by any major religion, you’ll find it’s all something quite bizarre that was made up along the way.
Myth 4: Masturbation Leads to Infertility
Masturbation does not lead to infertility in any way. On the contrary, masturbating can help to increase fertility if it is done healthily and responsibly.
Masturbation can help to reduce stress levels and help to keep hormones and the body’s endocrine system in balance, both of which are important for fertility.
Myth 5: Masturbation Can Cause Physical Damage
Although it is possible to injure yourself during masturbation, it is highly unlikely. As long as you are careful and mindful of your body’s limits, then masturbation can be done safely.
Of course, things can get strained or even broken if you take things too far, so it’s wise to keep things nice and gentle.
Myth 6: Masturbation is Only for Men
Masturbation is for everyone, regardless of gender. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to masturbation, and everyone can explore different methods of self-pleasure that best fit their needs and desires.
While men’s bodies have been studied more extensively in relation to masturbation, research has found that women also experience a variety of physical and emotional benefits from masturbating.
Myth 7: Masturbation is Addictive
Some people feel guilty about masturbating because they believe that it’s impossible to stop, or that it’s addictive. This is simply not true.
While some people may find masturbating to be pleasurable and want to do it more often, it’s not like drugs or alcohol, and it’s not physically addictive. It’s also not something that you cannot stop if you want to.
Myth 8: Masturbation is Weird/Taboo
Unsurprisingly, this myth is especially common among teens. They may feel like masturbation is something strange or that they should be ashamed of it. This is not the case.
Masturbation is a normal, healthy part of sexual development and exploration and should be embraced as such. Everyone should feel comfortable exploring their own body and sexuality without feeling ashamed or embarrassed.