Why men like older women: a lot of reasons

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Psychologists believe that older women are not chosen by mama’s sons, but, on the contrary, by ambitious men. Because they are looking for a friend, not only a mistress, but also a mentor, with whom they even more confidently realize their Napoleonic plans.

Older women look more luxurious

It is closer to thirty that a woman finds her own style. Plus, she gains an understanding that she cannot save on herself. She dresses expensively, does not skimp on grooming procedures – and looks sleek.

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Older women have a lot to talk about

  • This does not mean that young girls are stupid and do not know how to put two words together. 
  • But mature women have a priori broader horizons. 
  • More life experiences, they are not afraid to voice their opinions. 
  • It’s catchy. It’s interesting with them.

Older women are emotionally more mature

With age, we better understand ourselves, our desires. We calmly set priorities and boundaries. Older women do not play on feelings and clearly know what they want. Therefore, it is much more comfortable and emotionally calmer with them.

Older women don’t insist on family

Most girls still place expectations on a man related to marriage and children. This is quite natural, but many men perceive it as pressure.

An accomplished adult woman already has children 

Or she realized that she did not want to become a mother. And marriage either was, or not a priority. The main thing for her is the right partner. And this philosophy is very attractive to men younger than her.

The attention of an older woman is incredibly flattering.

  • It’s one thing to catch an inexperienced naive girl in your arms. 
  • And it is quite another to achieve a status, smart and already quite cunning woman. 
  • Such a victory is incredibly flattering to male pride and raises his self-esteem.

An older woman can teach a lot.

The older woman has already learned something herself. She had more life lessons, she understands more in business and relationships. Men are very attracted to being offered a more mature view of the world. With such a woman it is easier to go through life: she will always give wise advice and help to realize the most daring plans.

Older women are financially stable

Nobody wants to be someone’s “wallet”. And no one is interested in solving other people’s problems: renting an apartment, getting a job, paying for purchases and helping with an alcoholic father.

Older women no longer have such difficulties. This is a completely different level.

Men who like older women matured early themselves.

There is such a type of man – maturing early psychologically. Already at the age of 20-25, they are simply not interested in their peers, and even more so in very young nymphs with their hobbies and cockroaches, densely populated beautiful heads.

So designed by nature itself

Scientists are increasingly inclined towards this version, who are also interested in understanding why men like women older.

Historically, a stereotype has developed: a man must certainly be older, well, in extreme cases, the same age. But this is a relic of the times when girls were married at the age of 14, and at the age of 20 they were considered old maidens.

But there is one point: the life expectancy of men is shorter than that of women. That is, roughly speaking: according to the idea of ​​nature, in order to live happily ever after and die in one day, a woman in a pair must be 10-11 years older than a man. The age difference of 5 years is no longer considered a difference at all.

Age of passion

Sexologists believe that 30 is a milestone for both sexes. After 30, the sexual desire of men decreases, and the female increases. So a woman becomes much more passionate than when she was young.

Another level of pleasure

Not only desire is important, but also skill. As a rule, an adult woman has already overcome shyness, overcame many of her complexes related to her appearance, and learned to have fun in bed.

Unforgettable experience

In ancient times, young people often got acquainted with sex with the help of experienced priestesses of love, and for good reason – intimacy does not tolerate fuss and nervousness. A young man can learn much more with an experienced woman than with a peer.

Financial benefit

When a young man has not a penny for his soul, then a relationship with a non-contemporaries may well correct his plight. Regular sex and financial security are a double bonus for many.

Adult relationships

Not all men love and appreciate dramas and romantic scenes. They exhaust the nerves often in vain. A definite plus in a relationship with an adult woman is a minimum of lyrics, everything is strictly to the point. Although some young men are only depressed by such efficiency.

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